Quickview Image Production
Quick View functionality
The QuickView functionality offers to users the possibility to crop a rendered tile layer shown in the map and export it as an image. This is particularly useful to generate a quick visual product to be shared with other colleagues. The crop and export is applied to the tile layer shown in the map at the current zoom level by TiTiler and is not applied to the source product.
This functionality can be applied when the user want to derive a QuickView product from a single feature (either a single band or an overview asset) from a Dataset or a Result from a processing service. The functionality allows also allow the user to export images when comparing two layers with the slider.
The typical workflow to be applied when using the QuickView functionality is the following:
select one or two features from the left panel (it can be a feature of a Calibrated Dataset or the one of a Result from a processing service),
apply image stretching by setting desired min and max values for the asset,
set color map and No data value,
if needed, apply a color formula,
previewing the rendered tile layer/s on the map,
crop and resample the tile layer/s to a fixed number of rows and columns,
and export it / them as a 8-bit raster file in PNG or GeoTIFF formats.
The spatial resolution of the exported image depends on the specific zoom level applied to the layer shown in the map by TiTiler. With the QuickView functionality, the user can export an image with the level of details as the one shown in the screen. As an example, after you zoom to the full extent of the image in the map, the resolution of the exported QuickView image will be at very low resolution. To get a product having a resolution closer to the full resolution the user shall first zoom in to a portion of the image.
QuickView functionality for PM and VA users
Quickview functionality offers to PM and VA users the possibility to crop the rendered tile layer shown in the map and export it as a raster file in PNG or GeoTIFF formats.
After the click on the QuickView button a dedicated panel appears.
From the Quickview panel the user can define the BBOX coordinates using pre-defined length-to-width ratios, and download the cropped images. More information about the QuickView functionality can be found in this section of the user manual.
QuickView functionality for QIP users
The Quickview Image Producer (QIP) user has access to a more advanced Quickview functionality (the Submit quickview tab). After the generation of one or two quickview images, from the QuickView panel the QIP user can also send a notification to COS-2 and generate a QuickView Image Product.
To send quickview images to COS-2 from the Quickview panel the QIP user shall:
switch from the Download to the Submit quickview tab,
fill in the fileds about
Product title
, -
and then click on the Submit Quickview button.
After that a message will appear in the bottom right corner of the map.
After the publishing of the product, images are sent by the ESA Charter Mapper to COS-2. QIP users after the login to COS-2 can retrieve them via the COS-2 QIP Dashboard. Files sent by the Charter Mapper for each call can be found by clicking on the Selected files button.
From the COS-2 QIP Dashboard, the QIP user must then select which of the sent files shall use for the QuickView image production.
And then use the functions available in the Quickview Editor Tool Dashboard (add logos, annotations, etc) to generate the QIP product.
In the Charter Mapper the images associated with the QuickView products can be also seen in the map by selecting it from the Products data context under QuickView products.